Detailed Program of TORS'23 Conference


The international conference of the Tunisian Operational Research Society (TORS) aims to share and exchange knowledge in the field of operational research and to promote collaborations and interactions between researchers and industrials. After last year’s success, the sixth edition of TORS conference will take place on December 18 - 20, 2023 in Hammamet, Tunisia. It covers research issues in the operational research and decision aid fields involving recent theoretical developments and real applications.

The scope of TORS'23 includes:

  • Theoretical developments, recent developments in linear, nonlinear, integer, stochastic, multilevel and multi-objective optimization.

  • Business Analytics.

  • Simulation, Learning and Statistical methods.

  • Information Systems, Decision theory, Game theory and Multi-Criteria Decision Aid.

  • Constraint Programming and Artificial Intelligence.

  • Heuristics and Meta-Heuristics.

  • DEA and Performance Measures.

  • Risk Management and Resilience.

  • Management Quality and Integrated Management Systems.

  • Healthcare Logistics and Supply Chain.

  • Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain.

  • Uncertainty theories, Belief Functions, Probability, Possibility and Fuzzy Sets theories.

  • Some Applications of OR such as: Planning and Scheduling, Logistic and Routing problems, Timetabling, Cutting problem, Knapsack problem, Portfolio Optimization, Set Covering / Clustering / Packing, Reliability and Maintenance, Data Mining, Health and Environment and Bioinformatics, Supply Chain Management, Industry 4.0, Sustainable Renewable Energy, Circular Economy and Sustainability.

  • Economic Intelligence and Firm Performance.

  • All topics related to OR are welcome.




July 10, 2023 : Submission of Short Papers

September 30, 2023: Extended Deadline of Submission of Short Papers

October 14, 2023: Final Extended Deadline of Submission of Short Papers

October 15, 2023 : Acceptance Notification

Note: Early notification can be sent to authors under request, within 15 days from submission, for visa or administrative formalities.

November 01, 2023 : Final Version Due

November 20, 2023 : Early Registration

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